Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear all,

Hey! So yeah it's kinda dead ade yeah this blog.

Lol. Time to wake up!
(Does anyone agree the music thing is a bit annoying, especially when it gives u a fright with sudden out of nowhere hard metal notes. =.=)

Last sem ade yeah. I can't say so much, but gambate.

If anyone happens to read this, then reminder of Pipit event tomorrow, at Annexe, Central Market there.

And on Sun, there's event at the Petronas Gallery,
if anyone is interested.
And in the evening, 7.00pm is our batch 75 graduates' exhibition closing ceremony, at 3C gallery. Come let's support them!

Ah yeah. Actually can post the Redang outing info here ma, easier then sending through email, so next time any posts, we post here lah yeah.

Next up: Trip after graduation!

Possible locations: Bali(Pang)
(More suggestions?)


esa said...


Here is easier to post, but not many come by here. XD

Priscilla Yuen said...

LOL. yes life!!

yeah. but we hv group in fb now esa!! go see!!